Title: Endolysosomal sorting of ubiquitylated caveolin-1 is regulated by VCP and UBXD1 and impaired by VCP disease mutations
Year Published: 2011
Observation: Linked VCP and UBXP1 to ubiquitin dependent sorting at endosomes and degradation in lisosomes
Comment: VCP mediates sorting of ubiquitylated cargo in the endocytic pathway
Citation: Ritz, D., Vuk, M., Kirchner, P., Bug, M., Schütz, S., Hayer, A., … Meyer, H. (2011). Endolysosomal sorting of ubiquitylated caveolin-1 is regulated by VCP and UBXD1 and impaired by VCP disease mutations. Nature Cell Biology, 13(9), 1116–23. doi:10.1038/ncb2301
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