Title: MicroRNA-206 delays ALS progression and promotes regeneration of neuromuscular synapses in mice
Year Published: 2009
Observation: Loss of miR206 did not affect disease onset but accelerated disease progression and diminished survival. miR206 influenced formation of new NMJs after nerve injury
Comment: miR-206 slows ALS progression by sensing motor neuron injury and promoting the compensatory regeneration of neuromuscular synapses.
Citation: Williams, A. H., Valdez, G., Moresi, V., Qi, X., McAnally, J., Elliott, J. L., … Olson, E. N. (2009). MicroRNA-206 delays ALS progression and promotes regeneration of neuromuscular synapses in mice. Science (New York, N.Y.), 326(5959), 1549–54. doi:10.1126/science.1181046
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